Cycle of performances, happenings and films


Il Castrato, photo: Marcin Oliva Soto


Cycle of performances, happenings and films



“In Art Dreams Come True” consists of a series of performances, quasi-theatrical productions, audience-engaging happenings and films. In the individual works, Kozyra acts as the director, lead character, and as ‘raw material’ apprentice in the hands of her two master guides who assist her in assuming various roles. Gloria Viagra, the Berlin-based drag queen whom the artist sees as a model of “true femininity” and the voice coach Grzegorz Pitulej, known as Maestro introduce Kozyra into their respective worlds, both saturated with artificiality, convention and posing. These features become central to each of Kozyra’s artistic embodiments, which include an opera diva, a drag queen, a cheerleader, Olympia from Offenbach opera, Snow White, Madonna, a castrato, a striptease artist, and, finally, in “summertale,” a seemingly innocent girl.

Hanna Wróblewska


“To start with, I wanted to sing songs like Over the Rainbow or Abba’s hits… that kind of thing… or, quite simply, something like Gloria. A bit of rock. But then I realised that the work had to have two protagonists, Gloria and Maestro, each of whom leads me into their world. I was equally as fascinated and overawed by Gloria and by Maestro… when I was a little girl.”

Katarzyna Kozyra’s autobiographical notes

[in:] Katarzyna Kozyra. In Art Dreams Come True, Hatje Cantz, BWA, Wrocław 2007, p.59–62.



The cycle consists of the following pieces:



Installation from the cycle “In Art Dreams Come True”





10-channel video installation (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, audio; films may be also played in sequence, on a single screen:

Trailer, 3’23”                   Kitkat, 15’25”

Backstage, 10’02”           Maestro, 1’07”

      Callas, 6’40”                  Make-up, 11’57″

Clubs, 6’40”                  Sven, 10’34”

        Devil 3’16”                  Shopping, 3’44”







This multi-channel installation, being the first work of the project “In Art Dreams Come True”, shows artist’s attempts to infiltrate worlds that are alien, yet fascinating to her, with Gloria Viagra (Berlin based drag queen), and Maestro (an opera singer) as her guides. Gloria’s main task is to assist the artist in finding “the woman” within herself; and – according to the artist – the ideal, or the embodiment of this woman is precisely Gloria or rather Michel dressed as a woman. Maestro – always artificial, in life and on stage, embodies the world of the opera, sophisticated feelings and emotions expressed in a conventionalised way which only enhances the impression of the artificiality: by singing. The artist learns classical singing in order to acquire the ability to express feelings with her voice, practising arias Maestro assigns her, e.g. Cherubino’s aria from “The Marriage of Figaro”. The video installation consists of a trailer displayed on a large screen and 9 videos, originally each one projected in its own space separated by curtains, as if inside a labyrinth. The title of the work comes from Cherubino’s aria in Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro” (“I don’t know what I am or what I do…”) The work had initiated what turned out for Kozyra to be an almost six-year-long training and work with Maestro, as well as the entire series “In Art Dreams Come True”, in which the artist attempted to answer questions prompted by this introduction, if you will, to the project.



Katarzyna Kozyra.



Performance in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”





Short version: Single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, duration: 4’26”, audio.

Long version: Single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, duration: 15’08”, audio.








“Nightmare” is the beginning of Kozyra’s work with new forms of expression. The artist invited her audience to participate in the project, at the same time putting herself to a test; the film is directed as a dream sequence, Kozyra really stars in it and truly not knowing how to sing, she goes on stage in the role of a professional singer. Initially, everything unfolds like during a regular opera performance. However, an accumulation of peculiar events enhances the impression of participating in somebody’s harrowing nightmare. Each consecutive act exacerbates the drama of the singer who can’t sing and doesn’t know the text, while the overly elegant audience do not pay her any mind. Rejected even by her Maestro, and eventually replaced by a better singer, she burns at the stake of shame.



Galeria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Trydent, Centro Audiovisivi Della Provincia Autonomio di Trento,

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Performance and video in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”





Single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, duration: documentation: 12’43”, full video (3 pieces) 16’27”, audio:

I: Singing lesson: 6’33”,

II: Fascination with Gloria 5’28”,

III: Grand Piano in Trento: 4’25”








The performance “A quarter of an hour” was arranged as a private (albeit on-stage) meeting of the artist with Maestro. The invited audience participates in the screening of three short (5 minutes each) videos shot at various stages of the complex project “In Art Dreams Come True”. I: “Singing Lesson” – between the artist and Maestro – from the mutual fascination to reluctance and antagonism stemming from the relationship reminiscent of a tormentor and his victim. II: “Fascination with Gloria” – the artist and Maestro follows the singer coming back from the concert. III: “Grand Piano in Trento” – a dream of the artist. Short videos can be screened separately or as a looped projection. Apart from the films, an independent performance was taken.



Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburg, Galeria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Trydent,

Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Pseudo-performance in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”





Single channel video (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, duration: 5’34”, audio, language: German.








At the opening of the group exhibition “About Beauty” in Berlin’s Haus der Kulturen der Welt featuring, among others, Kozyra’s “The Rite of Spring”, the artist appeared with her teacher and mentor, Berlin-based drag queen and DJ Gloria Viagra. They were both dressed and styled as clones of one another, or twin sisters. With her behaviour and look Kozyra seemed to confirm her status as a diligent student of Gloria Viagra’s “true femininity” lessons which constituted a part of the project “In Art Dreams Come True”. Virtually unrecognised as an artist, Kozyra posed with Gloria for pictures and gave interviews, treating her appearance in the new role as a kind of “artistic event”.



Katarzyna Kozyra. 



Squatted event in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel video (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, duration: 4’32”, audio.







During the birthday party of Gloria Viagra, Berlin-based drag queen, Kozyra performed on the stage of Big Eden Club (Berlin), in front of the club’s audience as a surprise for the birthday girl, in the intermission of her concert. Dressed to resemble Gloria, almost her clone, wearing similar outfit, high heels, heavy stage makeup and a wig, Kozyra performed Robbie Williams’ song („Let Me Entertain You”) and then a striptease. To the warmed-up audience’s confusion, in the final key moments of her art-performance-striptease, the artist appeared almost nude, wearing only stockings and a handbag around her arm, with an artificial penis, which a moment later she “took off” and put inside her bag. Similarly to other instalments in the series, also this performance features elements adopted by the artist from other poetics and genres.



Katarzyna Kozyra. 



Clock performance in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel video (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, duration: 4’42”, audio.







Fassadenconcerto or “the concert on the facade” took place on July 7, 2005 on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Impossible Theatre” in the Kunsthalle in Vienna. On the building’s façade, in the square of the museum district called Museumsquartier, almost every hour from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (with a break between 2 and 4 p.m.) Kozyra would be “led out” by Maestro from a wooden booth painted in blue stripes that came out from the portico of the former royal stables at the height of the first floor. Almost every time the artist would wear a different dress (inspired by Oskar Schlemmer’s geometric costumes), sang a better or worse rendition of the same aria of The Queen of the Night from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”, conducted by Maestro. The audience consisted mostly of numerous random tourists visiting nearby museums and resting in several cafes in the square. The effect of the mechanical cuckoo from the clockwork was enhanced, but at the same time challenged, by deliberate lack of precision: the aria sounded slightly different each time, the costumes were “imperfect” on purpose, and “the cuckoo” never managed to leave the booth precisely on the hour. In this performance, the artist liberally combined and mashed elements selected from various poetics and realities.



Kunsthalle, Wiedeń, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Performance in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”





Single channel video (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, audio:

Madonna of Pelago: 4’03”

Madonna of Regensburg 5’32”.

Series of colour photographs: Ela Białkowska, 150 x 120 cm each, c-print, copyright: Katarzyna Kozyra.








The place of the first procession was Pelago – a small Tuscan village and the surrounding hills. The event combined elements taken from a religious procession with a travelling folk festival. Four men were carrying a sort of a litter with a mounted figure based on one of the iconographic representations of Madonna on a crescent moon, but with a face-mask of Kozyra holding an open umbrella in her hand. The procession was conducted by Maestro with his face obscured by a rat mask and wearing a purple cardinal’s soutane. He was dancing at the head of the procession to the rhythm of Olympia’s aria from Offenbach’s “The Tales of Hoffman” coming from the portable loudspeakers. After reaching the top of the hill, the figure disappeared and the congregation saw only a blue mantle sailing across the sky. In the same moment, Kozyra appeared on the hill, dressed as a courtesan, in low-cut evening dress, with feathers on her head and excessive makeup. Conducted by Maestro – still in purple – she performed into the supplied microphone the aria of the Queen of the Night from Mozart’s “The Magic Flute”.

The second instalment of the event was organised later in Regensburg, where the procession took the boat on the Rhine to Valhalla.



Fondazione Lanfranco Baldi, Museum Ostdeutsche Gallerie, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Performance in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, duration:

Warsaw: 8’07”

London: 9’59”







The audience awaiting the arrival of the artist first sees the projection – a pre-war picture of a diva photographed inside a cage with a lion – accompanied by an opera aria played from a gramophone record. After the image slowly disappeared (faded out), the artist was carried out onto the stage (initially in the cage covered with a piece of cloth) and this time she was wearing a fatsuit. The costume made of a special foam was manufactured according to a cast made from a real body. The artist, entirely “buried” inside the costume performed with Maestro’s accompaniment the aria of Olympia, a soulless doll from Offenbach’s “The Tales of Hoffman”. The video of the performance shows clearly that diva’s mouth does not move, only the voice carries, barely audible to the audience separated from the artist by a double cage. Kozyra caged both inside the metal construction and the body suit is instructed by a man, Maestro, a severe teacher who publicly chastises her.

Kozyra played the role of the caged diva twice.  The first time in the Centre for Contemporary Art Zamek Ujazdowski in Warsaw, and the second time in London’s Barbican Art Centre.



Centre for Contemporary Art Zamek Ujazdowski, Barbican Art Centre, London, Polish Institute in London, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Film in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”

2005 – 2006



Single channel video (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, 11’42”, audio.







“The Winter’s Tale”, another part of the series “In Art Dreams Come True” was created in the convention of a film. In this film, the first encounter on one set and in equal roles occurs between Gloria Viagra and Maestro, both fighting for the soul and body of their student – Kozyra. The student who this time morphs into a figure reminiscent of the Snow White living in a strange boarding house in the middle of the woods in the company of midgets. The plot of the film is not entirely locked and slightly indefinite. It seems to combine and mix not only various myths and stories, but also varied film genres: horror movie with melodrama and elements of comedy, updated fairytale with period drama, or musical with opera and operetta. This “plot” is at the same time a “documentation” of the failure, of the struggles of the artist trying to force herself and everyone around her into a certain convention, in order to blow it up with a bang.



BWA Jelenia Góra, BWA Wrocław, Teatr Cinema, Piechowice – Michałowice, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Performance and film in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, audio:

performance: 9’40”

film: 16’00”







 “Il Castrato,” the work almost in the form of a theatrical one-act baroque opera, was produced for the gay festival Gender Bender. Its finale is the scene of castration performed on a drag queen – Kozyra – picked out from the crowd by Maestro and Gloria Viagra. Undressed and deprived of her wig, she “regains” her androgynous look, and the artificial torso and genitals give her the shape of a young boy. The scene is played out by figures who during the series “In Art Dreams Come True”, of which the project is a part, were supposed to teach Kozyra “femininity”. After the scene, the artist sings Schubert’s “Ave Maria” and finally leaves, in an unnaturally stiff sitting position on a white horse. While in previous projects in the series Kozyra attempts to embody, transform into or disguise herself as a woman – a princess – a star, in this episode she returns to her boyish look in order to perform on herself an almost literal castration and ask the question: isn’t gender but a costume?

Simultaneously to the preparations of the performance, in another space the film “Il Castrato” was shot in the baroque Teatro di Villa Mazzacorati with an illusionist setting from that era.



Gender Bender, Daniele del Pozzo. 

Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Comune di Bologna – Settore cultura, Provincia di Bologna – Assessorato alla cultura, Regione Emilia Romagna – Assessorato alla cultura, Istituto di Cultura Polacco, Sig. Albrenti, Movieland, Sartoria Teatrale Alberani, La Tura di Piero, Associazione Cultura e Arte Sel 700, Cassero Gay & Lesbian Center.



Music video in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel projection (colour), loop, 16:9 PAL, duration: 4’30”, audio, language: English.

Series of colour photographs: Marcin Oliva Soto, 70 x 100 cm each, lambda on 3mm plexi covered dibond, copyright: Katarzyna Kozyra.






“Cheerleader” is a music video in the series “In Art Dreams Come True” of Kozyra interpreting Gwen Stefani’s song “What Are You Waiting For”. Playing around with the clichés of femininity and masculinity, this time the artist takes on the role of the pop-rock star, playing in the music video a cheerleader in a men’s locker room. By performing dance and acrobatic moves (choreographed by Anna Godowska) with pom-poms and wearing a short, white skirt, Kozyra tries to attract the interest of athletes changing after their training, who are much more focused on their own affairs. This short music video with a rather perverse story alludes also to Kozyra’s previous works: “Men’s Bathhouse” and “Diva. Reincarnation”



Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Katarzyna Kozyra.



Film from the cycle “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel video (colour), loop, 16:9 PAL, 19’56”, audio.








An almost 20 minute long film “Summertale” was made in 2008 and it concludes a multi-dimensional and varied series “In Art Dreams Come True”. As it is the last instalment, logic requires to start at the end of the film. This is where we read that none of the people appearing in the film has anything to do with any of the fairy tales. Reading this information makes us laugh inwardly, because – technically – the story shot by Kozyra resembles a fairy tale. And even at first glance it brings to mind “Snow White”: Industrious midget women resembling the seven dwarves (despite there are only five of them), tiny beds in the little house are the same as in the Brothers Gimm’s tale, and the poisoned Maestro is revived with a kiss. In the fairy tale Snow White is woken from her sleep by a man. Here, a woman. But is she really? Nothing about the artist is as it seems. The sexy lady is somebody else… The ideal of a “real woman”, Gloria Viagra, is a man. Well-groomed midget women living in their Arcadia are not the embodiment of order and peace. Therefore, in this philosophical tale of a film disguised as a colourful fairy tale nothing is simple or straightforward. Horrific events are in a stark contrast to idyllic pictures and slow unfolding of the plot. Clean and neat outfits of the characters – to the splattering blood of the murdered. Unintelligible language used by the actors with the single Polish sentence, unfavourable towards men. And metamorphoses continue: Katarzyna Kozyra initially appears as a woman trying to adapt to the midgets and their lifestyle, only to morph into a sorceress inflicting severe punishment for the crime. The story allows for a multitude of interpretations. It enables conducting serious discussions about the most important subjects, such as tolerance among people or true Art.






  • The project was created during Katarzyna Kozyra’s DAAD grant in Berlin received in 2003.






The Artist would like to thank all her collaborators and people who helped in the realisation of the project, in particular:

Darek Adamek, Wojtek Adamiak, Jarosław Bedyk, Andrzej Bialik, Karol Białas, Ela Białkowska, Aneta Bluszcz,
Nadia Bojadżijew, Krzysztof Bors, Fabio Cavallucci, Gustave Charpentier „Louise”,  Sebastian Ciechoński, Zofia Dawgałło, Robert Drabek, Piotr Dzięcioł, Anna Piechura-Gabryś, Tomasz Gaj, Wiesław Gajewski, Urszula Gawlik, Anna Godowska, Michel Gosewisch, Nina Hobgarska, Joanna Kinowska, Andrzej Kokosza, Dorota Komorowska, Piotrek Kostarczyk, Łukasz Kowalczyk, Kama Kowalska, Grzegorz Kowalski, Julia Kubica, Robert Kulis, Jarek Kunicki, Maciej Lach, Julia Leopold, Barbara Leśnikowska, Marcin Łopacki, Friedrich Meschede, Agnieszka i Mariusz Mieleccy, Anna Mocarska, Anna Muszyńska, Karolina Fandrejewska-Ochnio, Radek Ochnio, Gosia Osińska, Grzegorz Pitułej, Robert Powierza, Elżbieta Porębska, Jaga Prochowska, Ewelina Ratajczak, Franciszek Redzimski, Ewa Rossal, Dorota Rozenek, Marek Sawicki, Aleksandra Knitter-Sikora, Marcin Oliva Soto, Kasia Stańczak, Krzysztof Strużczyk, Barbara Szabłowska, Mirek Szewczyk, Paweł Szlejermacher, Małgosia Trzaskowska, Beata Wilgucka, Mariusz Włodarski, Jadwiga Wojnowska, Dariusz Wojtaś, Hanna Wróblewska, Milena Wróblewska, Halina Zabrocka, Patryk Zakrocki, Adriana Zawadzka, Artur Zwierzchowski, Urszula Wantuch-Żal, Łukasz Żal



Kunsthalle Wiedeń, Romaeuropa Festival, Schwarzenberg Pałac i ogrody, Wiedeń, Instytut Polski w Rzymie,

Teatro Palladium, Università Roma Tre.



Pseudo-documentary in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”




Single channel projection (colour), loop, 4:3 PAL, 20’58”, audio.






A pseudo-documentary presenting the story of the project “In Art Dreams Come True”: from Katarzyna Kozyra’s fascination with Gloria Viagra to her first singing lessons with Maestro and Gloria’s “femininity education” class to stage performances in clubs and theatres, and performing a castration on the stage of Teatro di Villa Mazzacorati in Bologne. Staged scenes of the cinematic story are interspersed between documentary appearances of the artist’s collaborators participating in this project in various roles and at different stages: From Maestro and Gloria (“Without them it’d be like without the sound and the image,” the artist said), curators to stage and technical crew members. Kozyra sums up the entire film saying the following cocky words while looking directly at the camera: “Everyone can dance, sing and play. And this omnipotence of mine gives me certainty that whatever I undertake, I’ll succeed, because I am potentially talented in every domain.”



Katarzyna Kozyra.





  • The project was created during Katarzyna Kozyra’s DAAD grant in Berlin received in 2003.

  • The “Nightmare” piece features fragments of “Voi che Sapete” from Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro”.

  • The “Nightmare” performance  took place in Teatro Sociale in Trento.

  • The “A quarter of an hour” piece features fragments of “Voi che Sapete” from Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro”.

  • The “A quarter of an hour” performance took place in the Carnegie Museum of Art, Music Hall in Pittsburgh.

  • The protagonist of Diva appeared also in the piece “Cheerleader” [hyperlink].

  • The work “Diva” belongs to the collection of the National Museum in Wrocław.

  • “The Winter’s Tale” piece features fragments of the aria of Olympia, a soulless doll from Offenbach’s “The Tales of Hoffman”.

  • “The Winter’s Tale” film was shot on the premises of Teatr Cinema in Piechowice-Michałowice.

  • “The Winter’s Tale” is the first project for which Kozyra invited the Midgets: “Summer Tale”, “The Midget Gallery”.

  • The project was created during Katarzyna Kozyra’s DAAD grant in Berlin received in 2003.

  • The “Il Castrato” performance took place in Teatro San Leonardo in Bologne.

  • Musical pieces used in the “Il Castrato” project: Schubert’s “Ave Maria” and Vivaldi’s “La verita in cimento”.

  • The film version of “Il Castrato” is housed in the collection of the Art Museum in Łódź.

  • Background singers in cheerleader” project are curators and directors of Zachęta – National Gallery of Art (Warsaw), where the video was shot.



  • “Katarzyna Kozyra, Casting”, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw 2010.


  • “Katarzyna Kozyra, In Art Dreams Come True”, Hatje Cantz 2007.


  • “In Art Dreams Come True”, BWA Wrocław 2007.


  • “Katarzyna Kozyra. Performances. In der Kunst werden Träume wahr”, DAAD Berliner Künstlerprogramm, Berlin 2007.


    The Artist would like to thank all her collaborators and people who helped in the realisation of the project, in particular:

Adam Ostrowski, Adam Różański, Agnieszka Morawińska, Alberto Badas, Andrea Alessandro La Bozzetta,  Ania Godowska, Anita Mereu, Anna Godowska, Anna Jagiełło, Anna Kraskowska, Anna Nizio, Antonio Coco, Antonio Perrone, Arne Hektor, Artur Zwierzchowski, Bagonga Basinger, Bartosz Figurski, Bernardo Bethonico, Błażej Szychowski, Bogumił Kostrzewa, Carmine Di Matteo, Cezary Chojnowski, Chiara Fraticelli, Christian Guidi, Corrado Loddo, Cosimo Terlizzi, Daniela Moramarco, Daniela Sannicolo, Daniele Oldani, Daniele Tiano, Danilo Rosato, Davide Del Pozzo, Eclisia Soledad, Ela Białkowska, Elena Morante, Etna Moss, Eugenio Valentinuzzi, Ewa Kozyra, Ewa Łuczak, Fabio Cavallucci, Fabrizio Di Tommaso, Francesco Gianvito, Franciszek Wardyński, Friedrich Meschede, Gaeta Jones, Gaia Bartolini, Gianluigi Ghirigatti, Giovanni Favia, Giovanni Maria, Contini, Gisela, Giulio Raffaele Giarrocco, Gloria Viagra, Grzegorz Jednaki, Grzegorz Kowalski, Grzegorz Pitułej, Hanna Wróblewska, Isabell Spengler, Ivo Pietribiasi, Iwo Pawłowski, Jacopo Mazzonelli, Jarosław Bajdowski, Jarosław Bzdak, Jarosław Roszyk, Jerzy Jednaki,  Jerzy Sobociński, Jonathan Girolami, Jonny Pettazzoni, Julia Leopold, Jurek Sobociński, Karina Kleszczewska, Katarzyna Szumska, Klaudia Polak-Szewczyk, Leonardo Feltrin, Lino Greco, Loredana Vitale, Luca Santacroce, Maciej Kowalski, Maciej Zabielski, Magda Sawon, Marcella Loconte, Marcello Seregni, Marcin Fabiński, Marcin Oliva Soto, Marco Buontigli, Marek Batóg, Margaret Liley, Marianne Greber, Marilena Frati, Marina di Ravenna, Mariusz Mielęcki, Massimiliano Tortora, Massimo Sciacca, Maurizio Cecconi, Maurizio Guiducci, Michał Zawadka, Michele Dattanasio, Michele Orvieti Sebastian Pacheco, Mieszko Zieliński, Mike Marison, Minze Tummeschidt, Mirek Szewczyk, Mirosław Woźniak, Nino Panino, Paolo BaiettaPaolo Liaci, Paweł Althamer, Paweł Freus, Pierluigi Bottino, Piotr Nawrocki, Rafał Wawrzeniecki, Riccardo Russo, Friedrich Meschede,Robert Czyżewicz, Sabine Folie, Sandra Murer, Santo Ovieri, Sanzio Venturi, Sara Ballestriero, Sebastiano Taiti, Shirley Tampax, Simona Cazzari, Sławek Łuczak, Szymon Osiński, Thierry Bell, Thomas Pellizoia, Timidina, Tomasz Bartosz Kireńczuk, Tomasz Górnicki, Tomasz Mielech, Tomasz Piłat, Valentina Cencetti, Valentina Lanzetti, Viola Łabanow, Vivian Lorca, Waldemar Cichoński, Walter Rovere, William John Pascoe, Włodzimierz Końko, Wojciech Mrozicki, Wojciech Stokowiec, Zbyszek Szumski.